Rashtrapati Bhavan Startup Event & Innovation Exhibition

Featured Image Small Rashtrapati Bhavan

Featured Image Small Rashtrapati Bhavan

The Rashtrapati Bhavan in Delhi – is the Indian president’s home/estate – and which Indian would miss a chance to visit there ?
Well, on 20th March 2018 – I too had a chance to visit there – and that too for a startup event. In the halls where world leaders, diplomats and political heavyweights are hosted – were hosted many many folks associated with tech startups and startups and innovation in general – and I too had a chance to be a part of this event.

Beyond the tech-startups and startup knowledge shared, there was an exhibition – organized by the National Innovation Foundation (NIF) – where we saw innovations – by inventors of all ages showcased in an exhibition of innovation. There were inventors and innovators of all ages from accross the length and breadth of our country – from Kashmir to Kanyakumari – from Gujarat to Arunachal Pradesh to various interior areas of our country all showcasing their own innovations and inventions – with a section for seasoned inventors who had won awards for innovation to farmers and rural inventors to school-children from accross the country who had brought their inventions and innovations to Delhi to show them off to members of public – to policy makers and to even to parliamentarians and ministers and the highest levels of leadership of our country.

I visited this event on march 20th, 2018 – and this blog post is the first in a series of posts – where I talk both about the startup event hosted in the grounds of president’s estate in Delhi – as well as about the tech startup convention hosted at the Rashtrapati Bhavan Cultural center.

Enjoy these pics – and watch out for more articles about this event!