On VLC Player for Android – and it’s limitations

VLC Media Player is a popular media player for the PC, Android and various other OSes and platforms and is developed and maintained by VLC – which was earlier VideoLan Computing.

What you see below, is fan art of VLC Media player for Android.

Fan art showering love on VLC Media Player for Android

Fan art showering love on VLC Media Player for Android

So… I’m a huge fan and lover of VLC media player on the PC and especially on Android.

For most part it’s the perfect media player app.

However, of late – while trying to hear an audio-book that’s divided into around 80 8-minute parts, I’ve been running into the limitations of VLC media player for Android.

I cant call them bugs – but they are limitations for sure.

Most notably – while listening to the multi-part audio-book being played back as an audio book – sometimes while taking a phone-call or when pausing the audio-book play-back and listening to audio from another app or pausing and using another app— VLC media player shuts down and re-starts and it loses the position in the play-list – and that’s especially infuriating.

I plan to – in the coming days – both raise this bug with VLC and also try to get the source code of VLC media player – and after getting it built – I plan to make a build where the above bug is fixed.
For updates and details on how I go about doing this – watch this space… oops watch this post (click here for post) on my blog here at http://www.Shauk.in

VLC Media Player

VLC Media Player