Are German Shepherds and Alsatian dogs the same? If not, then what’s the difference between the two?

Are German Shepherds and Alsatian dogs the same? If not, then what’s the difference between the two?

Friends, since this blog is called and caring for, helping and keeping dogs is my biggest shauk, here’s I share some knowledge about dog breeds.

Yes – they are the same breed, except there are reasons for two different names and for the confusion. (My Answer explains reason for 2 names – in brief and in detail)- which I also recently explained in an answer on Quora (click here to see Quora answer)


In Brief: The original breed name was “German Shepherd Dog” – and the breed was used by everybody- the Germans, the British, the Americans and French and Swiss. However, during World War-1 when Germany attacked – then the British and Americans decided to call their working dogs as “Alsatian” instead of german shepherd dog. “Alsatian dog” referred to german shepherd dog – while the general term “Alsatian” refers to anything originating from the larger Alsace Lorrain region which covers parts of Germany, parts of France and parts of Switzerland.

In 1917, the American Kennel Club renamed “German Shepherd Dog” to “Shepherd Dog” while in Britain, France and other countries the breed was called “Alsatian dog”.

However, in 1977 – the dog breed was renamed by American Kennel Club (and by Kennel clubs accross the world) to “German Shepherd Dog” – and today, the proper name is “German Shepherd Dog” – though there are still many that call the breed “Alsatian” or “Alsatian Dog”.

In Detail (including more about the term “Alsatian” and the region & history):

The origin of the word “Alsatian” is that it’s used to describe anything- whether animal or person or foodstuff or culture – that originates in the Alsace Lorraine region which is spread over Germany, Switzerland and France – and it could also more specifically be used for something that originates from the “Alsace” region – which is one part of the Alsace Lorraine region.

Just like you can use the word “Himalayan” for things including breed of dog like “Himalayan collie” – same way the word “Alsatian” is connected with Alsace Lorraine region. So dogs that are connected with the region – including the part that’s in Germany are called Alsatian.

However not all of Germany is covered in the Alsace Lorraine region – and while some people use the words “German shepherd” and “Alsatian” interchangeably, the “German shepherd” breed of dog was bred and created in Germany and refers to a specific bloodline and breed of dog – not just dogs from Alsace Lorraine region.

Here’s a link to wikipedia article about Alsace Lorraine region to read more:

Here is a description as per encyclopaedia (related to geographic region, not dog breed):

“Alsace-Lorraine, German Elsass-Lothringen, area comprising the present French départements of Haut-Rhin, Bas-Rhin, and Moselle. Alsace-Lorraine was the name given to the 5,067 square miles (13,123 square km) of territory that was ceded by France to Germany in 1871 after the Franco-German War.”

Image of map of Alsace Lorraine region in the German Empire

Alsace Lorraine Region Map

Alsace Lorraine Region Map

Hope this helps.