Is it safe for non-locals or girls alone to visit Sanjay Van? (Quora Answer)

Is it safe for non-locals or girls alone to visit Sanjay Van? (Quora Answer)

Yes – Sanjay Van is safe to visit – especially if you visit in mornings (6am – 11:30 am) or on Weekends in day-time.

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Writing this – because for many years even I as a guy wondered about the safety and risks of visiting or exploring Sanjay Van forest in South Delhi.

Yes – it’s safe for girls to visit Sanjay Van – if possible try to do your initial 4 or 5 exploration trips in morning time— say reach there around 6:00 or 6:30 am when there are many people – including middle aged men and women as well as fitness enthusiasts and morning walkers both male and female – and try to get a feel of the area.

Compared to many other forests Sanjay Van is safe and atleast in the morning time it is highly unlikely that you would cross paths with any unsavoury character or even have anyone stare or turn around to look let along make you feel awkward or uncomfortable.

I walk almost daily either through Sanjay Van or through the Lado Sarai / Qila Rai Pithora forests (as of April / May / June 2018 ) – so am saying this based on solid on the ground personal experience.

One suggestion I have is to carry a long stick (so that you can scare away or atleast not feel nervous in presence of stray dogs and monkeys) and to carry your own drinking water.

Other than that it is totally safe (atleast in mornings/ mid-day).

Saying this since for many years I too have wondered about the safety of Sanjay Van / Lado Sarai forests – but now that I walk there almost daily – and for several hours many times – I can attest to it’s safety – atleast in mornings.

In night or even early evening – be very careful – because people come there to drink and do all sorts of activities.

Infact, even in the morning – try to fit in – and dont talk loudly or otherwise do stuff that creates a ruckus or attracts attention – because there are many villagers, locals and others who could get territorial and even though they may not be “bad people” you dont want to pick up a fight or get into an argument.

Hope this helps. In the coming days I plan to write more about Sanjay Van / Lado Sarai / other forests of Delhi in my Blog – So do feel free to follow my blog and enter your email ID there to get updates by email.

Best of Luck – and Happy Exploring.

Pics Below – of Sanjay Van & Surrounding Forests by Me (Nalin Savara )

PIc-1: A Peacock Walks – Deep inside Sanjay Van Forest

Pic-2 – Sanjay Van with a sprinkling of Yellow – due to flowers of Amaltas Trees

Pic-3 A Neelgai Peeks at Me through the ruins of an Abandoned old building

Pic-4 – A Broader View Showing the Ruins inside which the Neelgai Hides

Pic-5 – A Guide Map of Sanjay Van Forest