Imagine Fruit Juices – 100% Natural Cold Pressed Fruit Juices

(Published Feb 6th 2018 – Updated May 17th 2018)

When we hear the word fruit juice, we think of many juices available in the Indian market – ranging from Frooti to Tropicana to Real to many others. Even those among us who dont often take soft-drinks end up having fruit juice added to various cocktails.

However, it is a fact of life that most fruit juices contain sugar, preservatives as well as permitted emulsifiers and are often made from concentrate extracted from fruit – and reconstituted in packing plants with water added to dilute the concentrate to taste.

So… with the mandatory disclosure, that I’m writing this article on the morning after an evening spent downing vodka cocktails at home with imagine juice added to it… here we go with this review and first-look at Imagine Fruit juices…

Having said this – I will summarise this entire post in 3-lines – and then continue with the facts:

1. Imagine Fruit Juices have to be tried to be believed.

2. Imagine Fruit Juices whether had as-is OR in a cocktail or with salt and spices totally make one’s day!

3. Imagine Fruit Juices are awesome – though a bit pricy for the quantity they give (but probably that’s how it is with almost all products in this category).

There is a global awareness rising – of the benefits of natural fruit juices – and accross the world cold-pressed juices are gaining momentum. In North India, the two major cold-pressed juice brands are Imagine and Raw Pressery- which are available accross Delhi / NCR in various 24×7 outlets as well as in many malls and also on order through home-delivery.

Imagine fruit juices are cold-pressed 100% natural juices – with no preservatives added and without any processing.

This means you get all of the natural goodness of the fruit – but this also means that the juices need to be refrigerated and that they have a very short shelf life of 3-4 days.

Imagine fruit juices are currently priced at Rs.120 per bottle.
Not just the juices – but even the bottles are distinctive and works of art – and like maison-jars that are used at home and in restaurants to serve drinks – the bottles in which Imagine fruit juices are packed and delivered too are works of art – and worth preserving and using.

In february, on sidelines of an event, we (Team-Shauk) had a chance to speak with, and interact with Karan Dokras who apart from the main founders Mr.Chandan Aggarwal and Mr.Riju Gupta is one of the early founding team behind Imagine juices.

Karan shared with us his own experiences and vision about the cold-pressed juices market as well about his own experiences as an entrepreneur in his previous startup which he exited before becoming a part of the Imagine team.
One of the facts Karan mentioned was imagine’s vision to bring down the prices of it’s juices by march / april 2018- and how Imagine as a brand and as juice products could really play a huge role in the market for fruit juices in India.

Edit May 2018: the price cut hasnt happened – though we did see discount offers at 24×7 outlets – and it is amazing how Imagine fruit juices are expanding their distribution and as people who love these juices, we wish them all success in conquering the market and the world!

Imagine Cold Pressed Fruit Juices

Imagine Cold Pressed Fruit Juices