Archive For The “Animal Welfare” Category
This is a relatively short article and it is relevant to many urban forests that are attempted to be developed as parks – even though it is written in the context of one urban forest – which is the Lado Sarai Forest. Lado Sarai Forest – also labelled on boards as “Lado Sarai Indian Garden”…
So friends, I recently got my doggie a Pawzone Dog Harness after hesitating a lot before buying it – and wondering for months whether it’s worth it and whether it’s the best dog harness and better than a a locally made dog harness. In 2 Sentences: Yes, it is worth it and better than…
Are German Shepherds and Alsatian dogs the same? If not, then what’s the difference between the two?
Friends, since this blog is called and caring for, helping and keeping dogs is my biggest shauk, here’s I share some knowledge about dog breeds. Yes – they are the same breed, except there are reasons for two different names and for the confusion. (My Answer explains reason for 2 names – in brief…
In Latvia – the efforts of this activist couple over 56 percent of the eggs sold in super-markets are certified as being from cage-free hens that are raised in humane conditions. Thanks to the efforts of this activist couple, Aivars Andersons and Katrīna Krīgere (Katie) and “Dzīvnieku brīvība” the Non-Profit (NGO) they run. Nobel peace…